Google Play games for PC is Android emulator by Google. I tried to sideload apps and other hacks for this emulator.


1 - installation

Download the Google Play Games on PC Developer Emulator (we use the developer version to be able to use ADB).

Install the software. At the end of the installation, a tab will open in the browser (on PC) to connect to the Google account. Log in to your account - this is the account that will appear in the emulator. After that, a dialog will pop up to confirm debugging on the emulator. confirm it.

2 - Sideloading

Now, we will sideload apps using ADB. ADB is in this path

C:\Program Files\Google\Play Games Developer Emulator\current\emulator

(Regular ADB may also work, I haven’t tried) Installing APK files is possible by opening CMD in the above path and running the command

adb install /path/to/your.apk

3 - App store

Because it’s officially an emulator designed for games, the built-in Google Play only has games. So we will install an Aurora store. First problem - only games are still displayed. That’s why we entered the spoof manager and selected another device _config.yml

And now we will have to go to accounts, select log out and log in again _config.yml

But… if we try to download an app, we get the following error: _config.yml

That’s why you need to install through the shell. But… we don’t have root. (at least at the moment).

So we will use Shizuku (an application that allows running a shell through the device even without root. You can read about it online). Install it, open it, and run the following command in adb

adb shell sh /sdcard/Android/data/moe.shizuku.privileged.api/

We need to get an output like this _config.yml

open Shizuku and check if all working. _config.yml

Now, in the Aurora store, go to settings>installation> shizuku installer. Amazing! Now it will work 😊. (Note: the activation command for Shizuku will have to be run every time the emulator is turned on).

4 - Rooting reaserch

I was not able to root the emulator at the moment. Attached is the information I currently have: The boot.img is inside the aggregate.img file in the path

C:\Program Files\Google\Play Games Developer Emulator\current\emulator\avd

I tried to root the whole file with Magisk 27 and this is the error _config.yml

I also tried to remove the boot.img from it and root only it. I succeeded, but at the moment I have no idea how to repack the aggregate.img

my post in XDA.